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Showing posts from January, 2017


Grows when near and dies when away, Rule of love is simple this way. With a lot may questions to ask, Searching answer, being rather apart. Fusing the red into the black, Deep getting darker, time vanishing very mark. Different is this day to the day before, Hunting secrets never explored. I walk the path alone now, which was meant for us, With wars in my mind to achieve the rusk. We dreamt together for our world, Small but beautiful, now endangered. Someday walking may our paths merge, It's you and your dreams for what I urged. In this misunderstanding mist we got part, Difficult will the emotions for a new start. -Tushar Bhakte

A dream-2

And the last long kiss, With the rhythmic motion of our lips, Harder with our tongues in splash, Ending our bodies move in a painful clash. Moving up your thighs the light fades, Letting me know your different shades, The aura of your sweat with arousing sensation, A little tickle of you leading heradly erection. Feel my hand groping your butt, And one of your feeling the strut, Caressing jawline and hair majestic of your beauty treasure, Sweet is this sensation of both pain and pleasure. Your hand on my back, scratching it And fingers crossed with mine, making me move deep With the water splashing the bare stones, Whitening them, with the desires grown. -Tushar Bhakte

Will I?

Walking down the dusk In the all mighty world, still alone With parents on left and destiny on right Where will I find the hope light? Carrying along all the dreams in eyes, With the hope of touching the skies Trying to build up the wings to fly, But will I be able to go such high? Still the sun going down, but winning hope A time later there is a night difficult with slopes, With the every haunting of failure, Will I be able to get it without any fear? Yes I will rise, with the dawn With every ray of sun freeing me from rust, I will reach the destiny I set, Every night after giving my very best. -Tushar Bhakte


Let the time start, being a very drop, Sliding down your hair, Just like the first water of the rain, Dripping from heaven making world glare. Rolling down your forehead, Shining bright like a pearl, Just like a ray enlightens a drop, In the world of you moving swirl. And here I see the beauty in your eyes, Mesmerizing every second with drop rolling down, Slipping slowly from your nose, Getting hearts gripped with the intoxicated brown. Now it's down on your lips, kissing you, Glowing your smile with the glittery hue, With that gem shine of our face, Most precious of your heart and win grace. -Tushar Bhakte

I'm Sorry...

I'm sorry... -For What? For loving you too much For missing you... I'm sorry for wanting you to see everyday For always thinking about you before going to sleep... For feeling upset if I don't see you For wanting to be on your side... I'm sorry for wanting to make you happy For wanting you to be part of my life For trying to make you smile... I'm sorry for bothering you Dreaming you everyday... I'm sorry for replying back as quick as possible I'm sorry for getting mad, jealous, and sad... I'm sorry for being just a simple game I'm sorry for thinking that you loved me... For annoying you with my messages and calls... I'm sorry for caring about you I'm just... Sorry for every single mistake I made Good Bye. -Tushar Bhakte