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Showing posts from August, 2017


My dreams turned down to reality, when I got to see you. You were the light to enlighten my world. Ever since I saw you , you grossed my heart with love, the purity and for reason of happiness to start. Life is a journey  and now I have a companion to share every moments of love,happinesss and pain.  I wish you to stay forever, because I can't imagine my world without you. Not just because I want you but I need you. One day we would be sitting with hands in hand , with your head on my shoulder and a little smile on your face . As the dream comes true. With still wanting a special moment "To feel the depth of your eyes and kiss you in front of sun during the twilight to happen and capturing this moment forever in our memories and a photograph​." You complete my world and I just want to say "I LOVE YOU😘❤😘❤"

The blues and the blacks

Blue : depth, stability, sea, truth, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, heaven... Black : power, elegance, formality, death, evil, mystery, fear, negative connotation... The blues and the blacks When it decodes to the faith, I am talking your blue. But you turned down me the evil, And showed me up your black... Love, truth and the believe I had, Now all let down to fear. Running down the night's connotation, Are the blues and the blacks... Inform me the devil, Ripping me apart with the elegance, In the sea of loyalty and wisdom, Are the blues and the blacks... These are all the shades of blue, Ruining my black to shove, Might all the heavens turn down, For the blues and the blacks... -Tushar Bhakte.