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Showing posts from June, 2018

Euphonic Love Tale

    Less to define you I need to be a verbiage Fly the turgid sky  And sink to the very edge. A proverb anomaly to serene  And a euphony of the novel song With the Maverick you A colloquium praising a pristine born You thus sound terse And under you benediction Relieving us from the juaggernaut curse Of the law's parochial version I in a prejudiced state Still humming and erudite phrase An eulogy after a certain wait Liberating our souls and where are faith integrates.   -Tushar Bhakte.

You Friend

  Well I was escaping the shadows  For a little light With all the broken hopes at unfulfilled nodes I saw you right ahead and bright  I dwelled the vindicating secret Of this syndrome trying to escape Rising from the very base You were standing with my win and grace You are special and divine  For the friendship to redefine A blossom in the mid summer  A verbose strategy being stunner  You are that magical spell Healing the souls of many trails An euphonic melody and a friend For us to have you we are blessed -Tushar Bhakte