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Showing posts from 2019

Why Moulded a Heart?

Why moulded a heart? Why hushed a sweet pass? Why Drowning deep without waters? Why there is this shift of art? A sweet melody pierced Reciting a tail unheard To cite those flavours All hidden in these colours. I witness a stubborn push Rather a compliant heave Crazy although good And goosebumps in this prude. I am still puzzled don't you see? Uttering a prate even senseless to me But I want to live this love Adore the kissed country's shove Still asking the same questions Why moulded a heart? Why hushed a sweet pass? Why Drowning deep without waters? Why there is this shift of art? -Tushar Bhakte.

Why am I alone?

Why am I alone In a mob of thousands? Why am I alone In the world I know still abandoned? I sight the Pinnacle  Where I ever wanted  And when I am there  Still I seek my soul for granted Why am I alone Where I still know a hundred? Why am I alone Where I know my Future is blunted I fight for the well being Of mine and the close ones Still I am made to walk alone  As my head's pointed with guns Why am I alone Even if I fight for me? Why am I alone The future in bargain I see... -Tushar Bhakte.


All about this doomed Day,  And the chaos following,  Lies burning down the in spade With the red spilling the greyscale.  Inside trapped is what's a human Living the pain for the truth,  And crushed down all together,  With the bullying freed loop.  A disease started with the globe , Ruining the spirit  And the Bad blood grow Petrified where lives the soul.  A gigantic curse crawling the said by A lie to lie in future die.  Just like the spectrum turning red,  The blood and rest remains grey. -Tushar Bhakte.

Heart of Glass

Amid the morose feeling,  For the light to fade Filling the heart with gloom Transmuting to the black from red.  While I followed the docile you, With my emotion subtle and true,  But you drowned me to the shallows Leaving me astonished the witty you!  I have nothing to bleed,  Dead and dry almost bleak.  Atleast take off the mask now,  And enjoy your fawning freak.  Your words sounded poetic plaud  Now what left are prosaic gross.  With the glum left In my heart of glass. -Tushar Bhakte.

New Sun

A wish forbidden  In the sky of hopes, With the new sun rising Healing all the broke. Arising the feeling Of never giving up, Rise high and shine bright From the thorns in which you are stuck. Where I wish To case the sunlight, All into the dust With a yearning smile. The feeling of being loved  And in the hope oversight, Light spreading the happiness Making most of this night. -Tushar Bhakte.