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Showing posts from May, 2022

Zeros and A One

  0, I tried to dream, a one for me, With high hopes and undeteerting belief But, as the time went by went my relief Fearing the walk to achieve, as my will fell steep 00, Somehow I stood up again even in fear, While everyone departed but my dear, I weep, I cry, I struggle with my try Letting me down, the end doesn't seem near 000, For the world to call you a failure, A mistake is enough, as what's not visible are the effort But, only the brand of what you wear Every hope, motivation and belief dry out in this desert 0000, How do you expect me to rise again? As I have lost many times Pushing you back from where you began, Not able to put my foot forward, with these deluded crimes 00000, But all I need is a one, To make zeros a meaningful one As the night of dreadful dream is over by the rising sun To overcome this I realized I am myself that one 100000, "I never could have imagined how strong I would become, To reach places and the new world I see