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Love is what I do

Love is what I do, I love,I learn ,I live for you,
You being the only way of me, Where I just follow you.

You are that beautiful dream,
Where your presence lightens my deems,
In the darks where am left alone to scream.

 Love is what I do, making my desires come true,
You being the destiny, where I just follow you.

You are the sweetest toffee,
Rather sugar to my cup of coffee,
Where you make my world, being my sofie.

 Love is what I do, my heart goes beating for you,
You are my way to the heaven, where I just follow you.

You are the significance of my love,
As beautiful as a pair of dove,
Out of every world affairs, of which you are all above.

Because love is what I do, You make me go crazy when I see you,
Wanna feel my heart cuddling with yours,
In that fog where I first wanna see you waiting to say I love you......

-Tushar Bhakte


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